Atomic Number | 102 |
Atomic Weight | 259 |
Nombor jisim | 248 |
Group | |
Period | 7 |
Block | f |
proton | 102 p+ |
neutron | 146 n0 |
Elektron | 102 e- |
tenaga | |
proton affinity | |
Pertalian elektron | |
ionization energy | |
Entalpi pengewapan | |
entalpi pelakuran | |
standard enthalpy of formation | |
Elektron | |
Petala elektron | 2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 8, 2 |
Elektron valens | 2 ⓘ |
tatarajah elektron | [Rn] 5f14 7s2ⓘ 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6 6s2 4f14 5d10 6p6 5f14 7s2 |
Keadaan pengoksidaan | 2, 3 |
Keelektronegatifan | |
Electrophilicity Index | |
keadaan jirim asas | |
fasa jirim | Solid |
gaseous state of matter | |
Boiling Point | |
Melting Point | |
critical pressure | |
critical temperature | |
triple point | |
rupa | |
warna | Colorless
rupa | |
indeks biasan | |
sifat bahan | |
Thermal Conductivity | |
Pengembangan terma | |
molar heat capacity | |
Specific Heat Capacity | |
heat capacity ratio | |
electrical properties | |
type | |
Kekonduksian elektrik | |
Kerintangan dan kekonduksian elektrik | |
Kesuperkonduksian | |
kemagnetan | |
type | |
magnetic susceptibility (Mass) | |
magnetic susceptibility (Molar) | |
magnetic susceptibility (Volume) | |
magnetic ordering | |
Suhu Curie | |
Néel temperature | |
struktur | |
Crystal Structure | () |
lattice constant | |
Lattice Angles | |
mechanical property | |
hardness | |
Modulus pukal | |
shear modulus | |
Young's modulus | |
Nisbah Poisson | |
Kelajuan bunyi | |
pengelasan | |
Category | Actinides, Actinides |
CAS Group | |
IUPAC Group | |
Glawe Number | 46 |
Mendeleev Number | 40 |
Pettifor Number | 35 |
Geochemical Class | |
Goldschmidt classification | synthetic |
Gas Basicity | |
polarizability | |
C6 Dispersion Coefficient | |
allotrope | |
Neutron cross section | |
Neutron Mass Absorption | |
Nombor kuantum | 1S0 |
space group | () |
Stable Isotopes | 0 |
Unstable Isotopes | 17 |
Natural Isotopes | 0 |
Nombor jisim | 248 |
nombor neutron | 146 |
Jisim Atom Relatif | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Reputan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
setengah hayat | |
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tarikh penemuan | 2003 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Keamatan (fizik) |
SF (spontaneous fission) |
Nombor jisim | 249 |
nombor neutron | 147 |
Jisim Atom Relatif | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
Reputan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
setengah hayat | 57 ± 12 us
Spin | 5/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tarikh penemuan | 2003 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Keamatan (fizik) |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | |
α (α emission) |
Nombor jisim | 250 |
nombor neutron | 148 |
Jisim Atom Relatif | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Reputan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
setengah hayat | 5.08 ± 0.27 us
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tarikh penemuan | 2003 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Keamatan (fizik) |
SF (spontaneous fission) | 100% |
α (α emission) | |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) |
Nombor jisim | 251 |
nombor neutron | 149 |
Jisim Atom Relatif | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
Reputan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
setengah hayat | 800 ± 10 ms
Spin | 7/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tarikh penemuan | 1967 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Keamatan (fizik) |
α (α emission) | 83% |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | |
SF (spontaneous fission) | 0.3% |
Nombor jisim | 252 |
nombor neutron | 150 |
Jisim Atom Relatif | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Reputan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
setengah hayat | 2.467 ± 0.016 s
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tarikh penemuan | 1967 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Keamatan (fizik) |
α (α emission) | 67.6% |
SF (spontaneous fission) | 31.3% |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 1.1% |
Nombor jisim | 253 |
nombor neutron | 151 |
Jisim Atom Relatif | |
g-factor | -0.11777777777778 ± 0.017777777777778
natural abundance | |
Reputan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
setengah hayat | 1.57 ± 0.02 m
Spin | 9/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 5.9 ± 1.7
tarikh penemuan | 1967 |
parity | - |
decay mode | Keamatan (fizik) |
α (α emission) | 55% |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | |
SF (spontaneous fission) |
Nombor jisim | 254 |
nombor neutron | 152 |
Jisim Atom Relatif | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Reputan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
setengah hayat | 51.2 ± 0.4 s
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tarikh penemuan | 1966 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Keamatan (fizik) |
α (α emission) | 90% |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 10% |
SF (spontaneous fission) | 0.17% |
Nombor jisim | 255 |
nombor neutron | 153 |
Jisim Atom Relatif | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
Reputan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
setengah hayat | 3.52 ± 0.18 m
Spin | 1/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tarikh penemuan | 1967 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Keamatan (fizik) |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 70% |
α (α emission) | 30% |
Nombor jisim | 256 |
nombor neutron | 154 |
Jisim Atom Relatif | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Reputan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
setengah hayat | 2.91 ± 0.05 s
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tarikh penemuan | 1963 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Keamatan (fizik) |
α (α emission) | 99.45% |
SF (spontaneous fission) | 0.55% |
ϵ (electron capture) |
Nombor jisim | 257 |
nombor neutron | 155 |
Jisim Atom Relatif | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
Reputan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
setengah hayat | 24.5 ± 0.5 s
Spin | 3/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tarikh penemuan | 1967 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Keamatan (fizik) |
α (α emission) | 85% |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 15% |
SF (spontaneous fission) |
Nombor jisim | 258 |
nombor neutron | 156 |
Jisim Atom Relatif | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Reputan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
setengah hayat | 1.23 ± 0.12 ms
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tarikh penemuan | 1989 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Keamatan (fizik) |
SF (spontaneous fission) | 100% |
α (α emission) |
Nombor jisim | 259 |
nombor neutron | 157 |
Jisim Atom Relatif | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
Reputan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
setengah hayat | 58 ± 5 m
Spin | 9/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tarikh penemuan | 1973 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Keamatan (fizik) |
α (α emission) | 75% |
ϵ (electron capture) | 25% |
SF (spontaneous fission) | 10% |
Nombor jisim | 260 |
nombor neutron | 158 |
Jisim Atom Relatif | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Reputan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
setengah hayat | 106 ± 8 ms
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tarikh penemuan | 1985 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Keamatan (fizik) |
SF (spontaneous fission) | 100% |
Nombor jisim | 261 |
nombor neutron | 159 |
Jisim Atom Relatif | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
Reputan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
setengah hayat | |
Spin | |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tarikh penemuan | |
parity |
decay mode | Keamatan (fizik) |
α (α emission) |
Nombor jisim | 262 |
nombor neutron | 160 |
Jisim Atom Relatif | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Reputan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
setengah hayat | |
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tarikh penemuan | 1988 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Keamatan (fizik) |
SF (spontaneous fission) | 100% |
α (α emission) |
Nombor jisim | 263 |
nombor neutron | 161 |
Jisim Atom Relatif | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
Reputan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
setengah hayat | |
Spin | |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tarikh penemuan | |
parity |
decay mode | Keamatan (fizik) |
α (α emission) | |
SF (spontaneous fission) |
Nombor jisim | 264 |
nombor neutron | 162 |
Jisim Atom Relatif | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Reputan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
setengah hayat | |
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tarikh penemuan | |
parity | + |
decay mode | Keamatan (fizik) |
α (α emission) | |
SF (spontaneous fission) |
penemu atau pereka | Nobel Institute for Physics |
tempat penemuan | Sweden |
tarikh penemuan | 1957 |
Etimologi | Named in honor of Alfred Nobel, who invented dynamite and founded Nobel prize. |
sebutan | no-BELL-i-em (Inggeris) |
Abundance | |
Abundance in Earth's crust | |
natural abundance (lautan) | |
natural abundance (Tubuh manusia) | 0 %
natural abundance (Meteoroid) | 0 %
natural abundance (Matahari) | 0 %
Abundance in Universe | 0 %