Atomic Number | 28 |
Atomic Weight | 58.6934 |
mass number | 58 |
Group | 10 |
Period | 4 |
Block | d |
Proton | 28 p+ |
Neytron | 30 n0 |
Elektron | 28 e- |
Atom Radiusi | |
Molyar hajm | |
Kovalentlik Radiusi | |
Metallic Radius | |
Ion radiuslar | |
Crystal Radius | |
Van der Waals radius | |
density |
energiya | |
proton affinity | |
electron affinity | |
ionization energy | |
Solishtirma qaynash issiqligi | |
solishtirma erish issiqligi | |
standard enthalpy of formation | |
Elektron | |
Ion asboblar | 2, 8, 16, 2 |
valence electron | 2 ⓘ |
electron configuration | [Ar] 3d8 4s2ⓘ 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d8 4s2 |
Oksidlanish darajasi | -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 |
Elektrmanfiylik | 1.91
Electrophilicity Index | |
fundamental state of matter | |
phase of matter | Solid |
gaseous state of matter | |
Boiling Point | |
Melting Point | |
critical pressure | |
critical temperature | |
triple point | |
appearance | |
Rang | Gray
appearance | lustrous, metallic, and silver with a gold tinge |
refractive index | |
thermodynamic material property | |
Thermal Conductivity | |
Issiqlikdan kengayish | |
molar heat capacity | |
Specific Heat Capacity | |
heat capacity ratio | |
electrical properties | |
type | Conductor |
electrical conductivity | |
electrical resistivity | |
superconductivity | |
Magnetizm | |
type | ferromagnetic |
magnetic susceptibility (Mass) | |
magnetic susceptibility (Molar) | |
magnetic susceptibility (Volume) | |
magnetic ordering | |
Kyuri nuqtasi | |
Néel temperature | |
Tuzilma | |
Crystal Structure | Face Centered Cubic (FCC) |
Kristall panjara davri | |
Lattice Angles | π/2, π/2, π/2 |
mechanical property | |
Qattiqlik | |
bulk modulus | |
shear modulus | |
Yung moduli | |
Poisson's ratio | 0,31
Tovush tezligi | |
klassifikatsiya | |
Category | Transition metals, Transition metals |
CAS Group | VIIIA |
IUPAC Group | VIII |
Glawe Number | 69 |
Mendeleev Number | 67 |
Pettifor Number | 67 |
Geochemical Class | first series transition metal |
Goldschmidt classification | siderophile |
Gas Basicity | |
polarizability | |
C6 Dispersion Coefficient | |
allotrope | |
Neutron cross section | 4,5
Neutron Mass Absorption | 0,0026
Atom kvant sonlari | 3F4 |
space group | 225 (Fm_3m) |
Stable Isotopes | 4 |
Unstable Isotopes | 31 |
Natural Isotopes | 5 |
mass number | 48 |
neutron number | 20 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 2,8 ± 0,8 ms
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
time of discovery or invention | 2000 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
2p (2-proton emission) | 70% |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 30% |
β+ p (β+-delayed proton emission) |
mass number | 49 |
neutron number | 21 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 7,5 ± 1 ms
spin | 7/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
time of discovery or invention | 1996 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
β+ p (β+-delayed proton emission) | 83.4% |
mass number | 50 |
neutron number | 22 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 18,5 ± 1,2 ms
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
time of discovery or invention | 1994 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
β+ p (β+-delayed proton emission) | 73% |
2p (2-proton emission) | 14% |
mass number | 51 |
neutron number | 23 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 23,8 ± 0,2 ms
spin | 7/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
time of discovery or invention | 1987 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
β+ p (β+-delayed proton emission) | 87.2% |
2p (2-proton emission) | 0.5% |
mass number | 52 |
neutron number | 24 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 41,8 ± 1 ms
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
time of discovery or invention | 1987 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
β+ p (β+-delayed proton emission) | 31.1% |
mass number | 53 |
neutron number | 25 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 55,2 ± 0,7 ms
spin | 7/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
time of discovery or invention | 1976 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
β+ p (β+-delayed proton emission) | 22.7% |
mass number | 54 |
neutron number | 26 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 114,1 ± 0,3 ms
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
time of discovery or invention | 1977 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
β+ p (β+-delayed proton emission) |
mass number | 55 |
neutron number | 27 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0,28 ± 0,0085714285714286
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 203,9 ± 1,3 ms
spin | 7/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
time of discovery or invention | 1972 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
mass number | 56 |
neutron number | 28 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 6,075 ± 0,01 d
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
time of discovery or invention | 1952 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
mass number | 57 |
neutron number | 29 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | -0,53166666666667 ± 0,00093333333333333
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 35,6 ± 0,06 h
spin | 3/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
time of discovery or invention | 1938 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
mass number | 58 |
neutron number | 30 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | 68,0769 ± 0,019
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | |
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
time of discovery or invention | 1921 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
2β+ (double β+ decay) |
mass number | 59 |
neutron number | 31 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 81 ± 5 ky
spin | 3/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
time of discovery or invention | 1951 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
mass number | 60 |
neutron number | 32 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | 26,2231 ± 0,015
Radioaktivlik | stable isotope |
Yarim yemirilish davri | Not Radioactive ☢️ |
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
time of discovery or invention | 1921 |
parity | + |
mass number | 61 |
neutron number | 33 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | 1,1399 ± 0,0013
Radioaktivlik | stable isotope |
Yarim yemirilish davri | Not Radioactive ☢️ |
spin | 3/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0,162 ± 0,015
time of discovery or invention | 1934 |
parity | - |
mass number | 62 |
neutron number | 34 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | 3,6345 ± 0,004
Radioaktivlik | stable isotope |
Yarim yemirilish davri | Not Radioactive ☢️ |
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
time of discovery or invention | 1934 |
parity | + |
mass number | 63 |
neutron number | 35 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0,992 ± 0,01
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 101,2 ± 1,5 y
spin | 1/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
time of discovery or invention | 1951 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
mass number | 64 |
neutron number | 36 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | 0,9256 ± 0,0019
Radioaktivlik | stable isotope |
Yarim yemirilish davri | Not Radioactive ☢️ |
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
time of discovery or invention | 1935 |
parity | + |
mass number | 65 |
neutron number | 37 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0,276 ± 0,024
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 2,5175 ± 0,0005 h
spin | 5/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
time of discovery or invention | 1946 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
mass number | 66 |
neutron number | 38 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 54,6 ± 0,3 h
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
time of discovery or invention | 1948 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
mass number | 67 |
neutron number | 39 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 1,202 ± 0,01
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 21 ± 1 s
spin | 1/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
time of discovery or invention | 1978 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
mass number | 68 |
neutron number | 40 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 29 ± 2 s
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
time of discovery or invention | 1977 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
mass number | 69 |
neutron number | 41 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 11,4 ± 0,3 s
spin | 9/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
time of discovery or invention | 1984 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
mass number | 70 |
neutron number | 42 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 6 ± 0,3 s
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
time of discovery or invention | 1987 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
mass number | 71 |
neutron number | 43 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 2,56 ± 0,03 s
spin | 9/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
time of discovery or invention | 1987 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
mass number | 72 |
neutron number | 44 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 1,57 ± 0,05 s
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
time of discovery or invention | 1987 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
β− n (β−-delayed neutron emission) |
mass number | 73 |
neutron number | 45 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 840 ± 30 ms
spin | 9/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
time of discovery or invention | 1987 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
β− n (β−-delayed neutron emission) |
mass number | 74 |
neutron number | 46 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 507,7 ± 4,6 ms
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
time of discovery or invention | 1987 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
β− n (β−-delayed neutron emission) |
mass number | 75 |
neutron number | 47 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 331,6 ± 3,2 ms
spin | 9/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
time of discovery or invention | 1992 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
β− n (β−-delayed neutron emission) | 10% |
mass number | 76 |
neutron number | 48 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 234,6 ± 2,7 ms
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
time of discovery or invention | 1995 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
β− n (β−-delayed neutron emission) | 14% |
mass number | 77 |
neutron number | 49 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 158,9 ± 4,2 ms
spin | 9/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
time of discovery or invention | 1995 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
β− n (β−-delayed neutron emission) | 26% |
2n (2-neutron emission) |
mass number | 78 |
neutron number | 50 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 122,2 ± 5,1 ms
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
time of discovery or invention | 1995 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
β− n (β−-delayed neutron emission) | |
2n (2-neutron emission) |
mass number | 79 |
neutron number | 51 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 44 ± 8 ms
spin | 5/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
time of discovery or invention | 2010 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
β− n (β−-delayed neutron emission) | |
2n (2-neutron emission) |
mass number | 80 |
neutron number | 52 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | 30 ± 22 ms
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
time of discovery or invention | 2014 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
β− n (β−-delayed neutron emission) | |
2n (2-neutron emission) |
mass number | 81 |
neutron number | 53 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | |
spin | 3/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
time of discovery or invention | 2017 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) |
mass number | 82 |
neutron number | 54 |
Nisbiy Atom Massa | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
Radioaktivlik | ☢️ Radioaktiv elementlar |
Yarim yemirilish davri | |
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
time of discovery or invention | 2017 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) |
discoverer or inventor | Axel Cronstedt |
location of discovery | Sweden |
time of discovery or invention | 1751 |
Etimologiya | German: kupfernickel (false copper). |
pronunciation | NIK-l (inglizcha) |
Abundance | |
Abundance in Earth's crust | |
natural abundance (Okean) | |
natural abundance (Inson tanasi) | 0,00001 %
natural abundance (Meteoroid) | 1,3 %
natural abundance (Quyosh) | 0,008 %
Abundance in Universe | 0,006 %
1 | s | 0.6474 |
2 | p | 3.9048 |
2 | s | 7.7874 |
3 | d | 15.4705 |
3 | p | 13.915 |
3 | s | 13.039 |
4 | s | 22.2892 |