Atomic Number | 8 |
Atomic Weight | 15.999 |
massiarv | 16 |
Group | 16 |
Period | 2 |
Block | p |
prooton | 8 p+ |
neutron | 8 n0 |
elektron | 8 e- |
Aatomiraadius | |
molaarruumala | |
Covalent Radius | |
Metallic Radius | |
ionic radius | |
Crystal Radius | |
Van der Waals radius | |
density |
energia | |
proton affinity | |
Elektronafiinsus | |
ionization energy | |
aurustumissoojus | |
sulamissoojus | |
standard enthalpy of formation | |
elektron | |
elektronkiht | 2, 6 |
valentselektron | 6 ⓘ |
elektronkonfiguratsioon | [He] 2s2 2p4ⓘ 1s2 2s2 2p4 |
oksüdatsiooniaste | -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 |
elektronegatiivsus | 3.44
Electrophilicity Index | |
fundamental state of matter | |
phase of matter | Gas |
gaseous state of matter | Diatomic |
Boiling Point | |
Melting Point | |
critical pressure | |
critical temperature | |
kolmikpunkt | |
Välimus | |
värvus | Colorless
Välimus | |
Murdumisnäitaja | 1,000271
thermodynamic material property | |
Thermal Conductivity | |
soojuspaisumine | |
molar heat capacity | |
Specific Heat Capacity | |
heat capacity ratio | 7/5 |
electrical properties | |
type | |
Elektrijuhtivus | |
Eritakistus | |
Ülijuhtivus | |
Magnetism | |
type | paramagnetic |
Magnetiline vastuvõtlikkus (Mass) | 0,000001335 m³/Kg
Magnetiline vastuvõtlikkus (Molar) | 0,0000000427184 m³/mol
Magnetiline vastuvõtlikkus (Volume) | 0,00000190772
magnetic ordering | |
Curie punkt | |
Néel temperature | |
struktuur | |
Crystal Structure | Base Centered Monoclinic (CUB) |
lattice constant | |
Lattice Angles | π/2, 2.313085, π/2 |
mechanical property | |
kõvadus | |
Ruumpaisumismoodul | |
Nihkeelastsusmoodul | |
Normaalelastsusmoodul | |
Poissoni tegur | |
heli kiirus | |
Klassifitseerimine | |
Category | Other nonmetals, Nonmetals |
CAS Group | VIB |
IUPAC Group | VIA |
Glawe Number | 97 |
Mendeleev Number | 99 |
Pettifor Number | 101 |
Geochemical Class | major |
Goldschmidt classification | litophile |
Gas Basicity | |
polarizability | |
C6 Dispersion Coefficient | |
allotrope | Dioxygen, Ozone, Tetraoxygen |
Neutron cross section | 0,00028
Neutron Mass Absorption | 0,000001
Kvantarv | 3P2 |
space group | 12 (C12/m1) |
Stable Isotopes | 3 |
Unstable Isotopes | 15 |
Natural Isotopes | 3 |
massiarv | 11 |
neutron number | 3 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
radioaktiivsus | ☢️ radioactive element |
Poolestusaeg | 198 ± 12 ys
spinn | 3/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
avastamise aeg | 2019 |
parity | - |
decay mode | Intensiivsus |
2p (2-proton emission) | 100% |
massiarv | 12 |
neutron number | 4 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioaktiivsus | ☢️ radioactive element |
Poolestusaeg | 8,9 ± 3,3 zs
spinn | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
avastamise aeg | 1978 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Intensiivsus |
2p (2-proton emission) | 100% |
massiarv | 13 |
neutron number | 5 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0,92613333333333 ± 0,0002
natural abundance | |
radioaktiivsus | ☢️ radioactive element |
Poolestusaeg | 8,58 ± 0,05 ms
spinn | 3/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0,0111 ± 0,0008
avastamise aeg | 1963 |
parity | - |
decay mode | Intensiivsus |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
β+ p (β+-delayed proton emission) | 10.9% |
massiarv | 14 |
neutron number | 6 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioaktiivsus | ☢️ radioactive element |
Poolestusaeg | 70,621 ± 0,011 s
spinn | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
avastamise aeg | 1949 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Intensiivsus |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
massiarv | 15 |
neutron number | 7 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 1,43816 ± 0,00024
natural abundance | |
radioaktiivsus | ☢️ radioactive element |
Poolestusaeg | 122,266 ± 0,043 s
spinn | 1/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
avastamise aeg | 1934 |
parity | - |
decay mode | Intensiivsus |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
massiarv | 16 |
neutron number | 8 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | 99,757 ± 0,011
radioaktiivsus | Stabiilne isotoop |
Poolestusaeg | Not Radioactive ☢️ |
spinn | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
avastamise aeg | 1919 |
parity | + |
massiarv | 17 |
neutron number | 9 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | −0,7574172 ± 0,000004
natural abundance | 0,03835 ± 0,00096
radioaktiivsus | Stabiilne isotoop |
Poolestusaeg | Not Radioactive ☢️ |
spinn | 5/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
avastamise aeg | 1925 |
parity | + |
massiarv | 18 |
neutron number | 10 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | 0,2045 ± 0,0102
radioaktiivsus | Stabiilne isotoop |
Poolestusaeg | Not Radioactive ☢️ |
spinn | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
avastamise aeg | 1929 |
parity | + |
massiarv | 19 |
neutron number | 11 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0,612952 ± 0,000028
natural abundance | |
radioaktiivsus | ☢️ radioactive element |
Poolestusaeg | 26,47 ± 0,006 s
spinn | 5/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0,00362 ± 0,00013
avastamise aeg | 1936 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Intensiivsus |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
massiarv | 20 |
neutron number | 12 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioaktiivsus | ☢️ radioactive element |
Poolestusaeg | 13,51 ± 0,05 s
spinn | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
avastamise aeg | 1959 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Intensiivsus |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
massiarv | 21 |
neutron number | 13 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
radioaktiivsus | ☢️ radioactive element |
Poolestusaeg | 3,42 ± 0,1 s
spinn | 5/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
avastamise aeg | 1968 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Intensiivsus |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
β− n (β−-delayed neutron emission) |
massiarv | 22 |
neutron number | 14 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioaktiivsus | ☢️ radioactive element |
Poolestusaeg | 2,25 ± 0,09 s
spinn | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
avastamise aeg | 1969 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Intensiivsus |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
β− n (β−-delayed neutron emission) | 22% |
massiarv | 23 |
neutron number | 15 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
radioaktiivsus | ☢️ radioactive element |
Poolestusaeg | 97 ± 8 ms
spinn | 1/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
avastamise aeg | 1970 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Intensiivsus |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
β− n (β−-delayed neutron emission) | 7% |
massiarv | 24 |
neutron number | 16 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioaktiivsus | ☢️ radioactive element |
Poolestusaeg | 77,4 ± 4,5 ms
spinn | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
avastamise aeg | 1970 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Intensiivsus |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
β− n (β−-delayed neutron emission) | 43% |
massiarv | 25 |
neutron number | 17 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
radioaktiivsus | ☢️ radioactive element |
Poolestusaeg | 5,18 ± 0,35 zs
spinn | 3/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
avastamise aeg | 2008 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Intensiivsus |
n (neutron emission) | 100% |
massiarv | 26 |
neutron number | 18 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioaktiivsus | ☢️ radioactive element |
Poolestusaeg | 4,2 ± 3,3 ps
spinn | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
avastamise aeg | 2012 |
parity | + |
decay mode | Intensiivsus |
2n (2-neutron emission) | 100% |
massiarv | 27 |
neutron number | 19 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
radioaktiivsus | ☢️ radioactive element |
Poolestusaeg | |
spinn | 3/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
avastamise aeg | |
parity | + |
decay mode | Intensiivsus |
n (neutron emission) | |
2n (2-neutron emission) |
massiarv | 28 |
neutron number | 20 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioaktiivsus | ☢️ radioactive element |
Poolestusaeg | |
spinn | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
avastamise aeg | |
parity | + |
decay mode | Intensiivsus |
2n (2-neutron emission) | |
β− (β− decay) | 0% |
leiutaja või avastaja | Joseph Priestly, Carl Wilhelm Scheele |
location of discovery | England/Sweden |
avastamise aeg | 1774 |
etümoloogia | Greek: oxys and genes, (acid former). |
pronunciation | OK-si-jen (inglise) |
Abundance | |
Abundance in Earth's crust | |
natural abundance (ookean) | |
natural abundance (Inimkeha) | 61 %
natural abundance (meteoorkeha) | 40 %
natural abundance (Päike) | 0,9 %
Abundance in Universe | 1 %
1 | s | 0.3421 |
2 | p | 3.5468 |
2 | s | 3.5084 |