Nomor atom | 58 |
Massa atom | 140.116 |
Nomor massa | 140 |
Golongan | |
Periode | 6 |
Blok | f |
Proton | 58 p+ |
Neutron | 82 n0 |
Elektron | 58 e- |
Jari-Jari Atom | |
Volume molar | |
Jari-jari kovalen | |
Metallic Radius | |
Jari-jari ion | |
Crystal Radius | |
Jari-jari van der Waals | |
kepadatan |
Energi | |
proton affinity | |
Afinitas elektron | |
Energi ionisasi | |
Panas penguapan | |
kalor peleburan | |
Perubahan entalpi pembentukan standar | |
Elektron | |
kelopak elektron | 2, 8, 18, 19, 9, 2 |
Elektron valensi | 2 ⓘ |
konfigurasi elektron | [Xe] 4f1 5d1 6s2ⓘ 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6 4f1 5d1 6s2 |
bilangan oksidasi | 2, 3, 4 |
elektronegativitas |
Electrophilicity Index | |
kondisi dasar materi | |
fase zat | Solid |
gaseous state of matter | |
Titik didih | |
Titik lebur | |
critical pressure | |
critical temperature | |
Titik tripel | |
appearance | |
warna | Perak
appearance | silvery white |
Indeks bias | |
thermodynamic material property | |
Kondusivitas termal | |
Pemuaian | |
molar heat capacity | |
Kapasitas kalor molar | |
heat capacity ratio | |
electrical properties | |
tipe | Conductor |
konduktivitas listrik | |
resistivitas listrik | |
superkonduktivitas | |
magnetisme | |
tipe | paramagnetic |
Suseptibilitas magnetik batuan (Mass) | 0,00000022 m³/Kg
Suseptibilitas magnetik batuan (Molar) | 0,000000030826 m³/mol
Suseptibilitas magnetik batuan (Volume) | 0,0014716
magnetic ordering | |
Curie temperature | |
Néel temperature | |
struktur | |
Struktur kristal | Segienam Sederhana (FCC) |
Konstanta kisi | |
Lattice Angles | π/2, π/2, 2 π/3 |
mechanical property | |
Kekerasan | |
Modulus kompresi | |
Modulus geser | |
modulus Young | |
Rasio Poisson | 0,24
kecepatan suara | |
klasifikasi | |
Kategori | Lantanida, Lanthanides |
CAS Group | |
IUPAC Group | |
Glawe Number | 31 |
Mendeleev Number | 15 |
Pettifor Number | 32 |
Geochemical Class | rare earth & related |
Klasifikasi Goldschmidt | litophile |
Gas Basicity | |
polarizability | |
C6 Dispersion Coefficient | |
allotrope | |
neutron cross section | 0,6
Neutron Mass Absorption | 0,00021
Bilangan kuantum | 1G4 |
Grup ruang | 194 (P63/mmc) |
Isotop stabil | 1 |
Isotop tidak stabil | 40 |
Natural Isotopes | 4 |
Nomor massa | 119 |
nomor neutron | 61 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | |
Spin | 5/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tanggal penemuan | |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | |
β+ p (β+-delayed proton emission) |
Nomor massa | 120 |
nomor neutron | 62 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | |
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | |
β+ p (β+-delayed proton emission) |
Nomor massa | 121 |
nomor neutron | 63 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 1,1 ± 0,1 s
Spin | 5/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tanggal penemuan | 1997 |
parity |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
β+ p (β+-delayed proton emission) | 1% |
Nomor massa | 122 |
nomor neutron | 64 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | |
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 2005 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | |
β+ p (β+-delayed proton emission) |
Nomor massa | 123 |
nomor neutron | 65 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 3,8 ± 0,2 s
Spin | 5/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tanggal penemuan | 1984 |
parity |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
β+ p (β+-delayed proton emission) |
Nomor massa | 124 |
nomor neutron | 66 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 9,1 ± 1,2 s
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 1978 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 125 |
nomor neutron | 67 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 9,7 ± 0,3 s
Spin | 7/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tanggal penemuan | 1978 |
parity | - |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
β+ p (β+-delayed proton emission) |
Nomor massa | 126 |
nomor neutron | 68 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 51 ± 0,3 s
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 1978 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 127 |
nomor neutron | 69 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 34 ± 2 s
Spin | 1/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 1978 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 128 |
nomor neutron | 70 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 3,93 ± 0,02 m
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 1968 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 129 |
nomor neutron | 71 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 3,5 ± 0,3 m
Spin | 5/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tanggal penemuan | 1977 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 130 |
nomor neutron | 72 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 22,9 ± 0,5 m
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 1965 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 131 |
nomor neutron | 73 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 10,3 ± 0,3 m
Spin | 7/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tanggal penemuan | 1966 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 132 |
nomor neutron | 74 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 3,51 ± 0,11 h
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 1960 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 133 |
nomor neutron | 75 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 97 ± 4 m
Spin | 1/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 1951 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 134 |
nomor neutron | 76 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 3,16 ± 0,04 d
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 1951 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
ϵ (electron capture) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 135 |
nomor neutron | 77 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 17,7 ± 0,3 h
Spin | 1/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 1948 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 136 |
nomor neutron | 78 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | 0,186 ± 0,002
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | |
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 1936 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
2β+ (double β+ decay) |
Nomor massa | 137 |
nomor neutron | 79 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0,64 ± 0,026666666666667
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 9 ± 0,3 h
Spin | 3/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tanggal penemuan | 1948 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 138 |
nomor neutron | 80 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | 0,251 ± 0,002
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | |
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 1936 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
2β+ (double β+ decay) |
Nomor massa | 139 |
nomor neutron | 81 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0,70666666666667 ± 0,026666666666667
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 137,642 ± 0,02 d
Spin | 3/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tanggal penemuan | 1948 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
ϵ (electron capture) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 140 |
nomor neutron | 82 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | 88,449 ± 0,051
peluruhan radioaktif | isotop stabil |
Waktu paruh | Not Radioactive ☢️ |
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 1925 |
parity | + |
Nomor massa | 141 |
nomor neutron | 83 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0,31142857142857 ± 0,011428571428571
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 32,505 ± 0,01 d
Spin | 7/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tanggal penemuan | 1948 |
parity | - |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 142 |
nomor neutron | 84 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | 11,114 ± 0,051
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | |
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 1925 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
α (α emission) | |
2β− (double β− decay) |
Nomor massa | 143 |
nomor neutron | 85 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0,28666666666667 ± 0,0066666666666667
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 33,039 ± 0,006 h
Spin | 3/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tanggal penemuan | 1948 |
parity | - |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 144 |
nomor neutron | 86 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 284,886 ± 0,025 d
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 1945 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 145 |
nomor neutron | 87 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 3,01 ± 0,06 m
Spin | 5/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tanggal penemuan | 1954 |
parity | - |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 146 |
nomor neutron | 88 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 13,49 ± 0,16 m
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 1953 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 147 |
nomor neutron | 89 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 56,4 ± 1 s
Spin | 5/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tanggal penemuan | 1964 |
parity | - |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 148 |
nomor neutron | 90 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 56,8 ± 0,3 s
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 1964 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 149 |
nomor neutron | 91 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 4,94 ± 0,04 s
Spin | 3/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tanggal penemuan | 1974 |
parity | - |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 150 |
nomor neutron | 92 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 6,05 ± 0,07 s
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 1970 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 151 |
nomor neutron | 93 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 1,76 ± 0,06 s
Spin | 3/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tanggal penemuan | 1997 |
parity | - |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 152 |
nomor neutron | 94 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 1,42 ± 0,02 s
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 1990 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
Nomor massa | 153 |
nomor neutron | 95 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 865 ± 25 ms
Spin | 3/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tanggal penemuan | 1994 |
parity | - |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
β− n (β−-delayed neutron emission) |
Nomor massa | 154 |
nomor neutron | 96 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 722 ± 14 ms
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 1994 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
β− n (β−-delayed neutron emission) |
Nomor massa | 155 |
nomor neutron | 97 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 313 ± 7 ms
Spin | 5/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tanggal penemuan | 1994 |
parity | - |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
β− n (β−-delayed neutron emission) |
Nomor massa | 156 |
nomor neutron | 98 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 233 ± 9 ms
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 2017 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
β− n (β−-delayed neutron emission) |
Nomor massa | 157 |
nomor neutron | 99 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 175 ± 41 ms
Spin | 7/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
tanggal penemuan | 2017 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
β− n (β−-delayed neutron emission) |
Nomor massa | 158 |
nomor neutron | 100 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | 99 ± 93 ms
Spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | 2016 |
parity | + |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
β− n (β−-delayed neutron emission) |
Nomor massa | 159 |
nomor neutron | 101 |
bobot atom | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
peluruhan radioaktif | ☢️ radioactive element |
Waktu paruh | |
Spin | 1/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
tanggal penemuan | |
parity | - |
modus peluruhan | intensitas |
β− (β− decay) | |
β− n (β−-delayed neutron emission) |
penemu atau pencipta | W. von Hisinger, J. Berzelius, M. Klaproth |
tempat penemuan | Sweden/Germany |
tanggal penemuan | 1803 |
etimologi | Named after the asteroid, Ceres, discovered two years before the element. |
pelafalan | SER-i-em (Inggris) |
Kelimpahan alami | |
Kelimpahan di kerak bumi | |
natural abundance (samudra) | |
natural abundance (tubuh manusia) | |
natural abundance (Meteoroid) | 0,000075 %
natural abundance (matahari) | 0,0000004 %
Kelimpahan di alam semesta | 0,000001 %
1 | s | 1.1519 |
2 | p | 4.2176 |
2 | s | 15.26 |
3 | d | 13.9147 |
3 | p | 19.0405 |
3 | s | 19.3408 |
4 | d | 32.3392 |
4 | f | 56.324 |
4 | p | 29.3936 |
4 | s | 28.32 |
5 | p | 41.0345 |
5 | s | 39.0865 |
6 | s | 47.2036 |