Atomic Number | 72 |
Atomic Weight | 178.49 |
Адади массавӣ | 180 |
Group | 4 |
Period | 6 |
Block | d |
proton | 72 p+ |
neutron | 108 n0 |
electron | 72 e- |
Atomic Radius | |
molar volume | |
covalent radius | |
Metallic Radius | |
ionic radius | |
Crystal Radius | |
Van der Waals radius | |
зичӣ |
энергия | |
proton affinity | |
electron affinity | |
ionization energy | |
enthalpy of vaporization | |
гармои гудозиш | |
standard enthalpy of formation | |
electron | |
Абри электронӣ | 2, 8, 18, 32, 10, 2 |
valence electron | 2 ⓘ |
electron configuration | [Xe] 4f14 5d2 6s2ⓘ 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6 4f14 5d2 6s2 |
oxidation number | -2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 |
electronegativity | 1.3
Electrophilicity Index | |
fundamental state of matter | |
phase of matter | Solid |
gaseous state of matter | |
Boiling Point | |
Melting Point | |
critical pressure | |
critical temperature | |
triple point | |
appearance | |
Ранг | Gray
appearance | steel gray |
refractive index | |
thermodynamic material property | |
Thermal Conductivity | |
thermal expansion | |
molar heat capacity | |
Specific Heat Capacity | |
heat capacity ratio | |
electrical properties | |
навъ | Conductor |
electrical conductivity | |
electrical resistivity | |
superconductivity | |
magnetism | |
навъ | paramagnetic |
magnetic susceptibility (Mass) | 0,0000000053 m³/Kg
magnetic susceptibility (Molar) | 0,000000000946 m³/mol
magnetic susceptibility (Volume) | 0,0000705
magnetic ordering | |
Curie temperature | |
Néel temperature | |
сохт | |
Crystal Structure | Simple Hexagonal (HEX) |
lattice constant | |
Lattice Angles | π/2, π/2, 2 π/3 |
mechanical property | |
hardness | |
bulk modulus | |
shear modulus | |
Young's modulus | |
Poisson's ratio | 0,37
speed of sound | |
classification | |
Category | Transition metals, Transition metals |
CAS Group | IVA |
IUPAC Group | IVB |
Glawe Number | 50 |
Mendeleev Number | 45 |
Pettifor Number | 50 |
Geochemical Class | high field strength |
Goldschmidt classification | litophile |
Gas Basicity | |
polarizability | |
C6 Dispersion Coefficient | |
allotrope | |
Neutron cross section | 104
Neutron Mass Absorption | 0,02
ададҳои квантӣ | 3F2 |
space group | 194 (P63/mmc) |
Stable Isotopes | 5 |
Unstable Isotopes | 33 |
Natural Isotopes | 6 |
Адади массавӣ | 153 |
neutron number | 81 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | |
spin | 1/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 2000 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) |
Адади массавӣ | 154 |
neutron number | 82 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 2 ± 1 s
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 1981 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
α (α emission) | 0% |
Адади массавӣ | 155 |
neutron number | 83 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 843 ± 30 ms
spin | 7/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
таърихи кашф | 1981 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
α (α emission) |
Адади массавӣ | 156 |
neutron number | 84 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 23 ± 1 ms
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 1979 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
α (α emission) | 100% |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) |
Адади массавӣ | 157 |
neutron number | 85 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 115 ± 1 ms
spin | 7/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
таърихи кашф | 1965 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
α (α emission) | 94% |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 14% |
Адади массавӣ | 158 |
neutron number | 86 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 2,85 ± 0,07 s
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 1965 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 55.7% |
α (α emission) | 44.3% |
Адади массавӣ | 159 |
neutron number | 87 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 5,2 ± 0,1 s
spin | 7/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
таърихи кашф | 1973 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 65% |
α (α emission) | 35% |
Адади массавӣ | 160 |
neutron number | 88 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 13,6 ± 0,2 s
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 1973 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 99.3% |
α (α emission) | 0.7% |
Адади массавӣ | 161 |
neutron number | 89 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 18,4 ± 0,4 s
spin | 7/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
таърихи кашф | 1973 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 99.71% |
α (α emission) | 0.29% |
Адади массавӣ | 162 |
neutron number | 90 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 39,4 ± 0,9 s
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 1982 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 99.992% |
α (α emission) | 0.008% |
Адади массавӣ | 163 |
neutron number | 91 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 40 ± 0,6 s
spin | 5/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
таърихи кашф | 1982 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
α (α emission) |
Адади массавӣ | 164 |
neutron number | 92 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 111 ± 8 s
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 1981 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
Адади массавӣ | 165 |
neutron number | 93 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 76 ± 4 s
spin | 5/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
таърихи кашф | 1981 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
Адади массавӣ | 166 |
neutron number | 94 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 6,77 ± 0,3 m
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 1965 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
Адади массавӣ | 167 |
neutron number | 95 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 2,05 ± 0,05 m
spin | 5/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
таърихи кашф | 1969 |
parity |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
Адади массавӣ | 168 |
neutron number | 96 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 25,95 ± 0,2 m
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 1961 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
ϵ (electron capture) | 98% |
e+ (positron emission) | 2% |
Адади массавӣ | 169 |
neutron number | 97 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 3,24 ± 0,04 m
spin | 5/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
таърихи кашф | 1969 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
Адади массавӣ | 170 |
neutron number | 98 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 16,01 ± 0,13 h
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 1961 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
ϵ (electron capture) | 100% |
Адади массавӣ | 171 |
neutron number | 99 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | -0,19257142857143 ± 0,0034285714285714
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 12,1 ± 0,4 h
spin | 7/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 3,46 ± 0,03
таърихи кашф | 1951 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
Адади массавӣ | 172 |
neutron number | 100 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 1,87 ± 0,03 y
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 1951 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
ϵ (electron capture) | 100% |
Адади массавӣ | 173 |
neutron number | 101 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 1,004 ± 0,014
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 23,6 ± 0,1 h
spin | 1/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 1951 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β+ (β+ decay; β+ = ϵ + e+) | 100% |
Адади массавӣ | 174 |
neutron number | 102 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | 0,16 ± 0,12
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 2 ± 0,4 Py
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 1939 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
α (α emission) | 100% |
2β+ (double β+ decay) |
Адади массавӣ | 175 |
neutron number | 103 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | -0,2708 ± 0,0036
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 70,65 ± 0,19 d
spin | 5/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 2,72 ± 0,02
таърихи кашф | 1949 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
ϵ (electron capture) | 100% |
Адади массавӣ | 176 |
neutron number | 104 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | 5,26 ± 0,7
radioactivity | stable isotope |
half-life | Not Radioactive ☢️ |
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 1934 |
parity | + |
Адади массавӣ | 177 |
neutron number | 105 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0,226 ± 0,00025714285714286
natural abundance | 18,6 ± 0,16
radioactivity | stable isotope |
half-life | Not Radioactive ☢️ |
spin | 7/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 3,37 ± 0,03
таърихи кашф | 1934 |
parity | - |
Адади массавӣ | 178 |
neutron number | 106 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | 27,28 ± 0,28
radioactivity | stable isotope |
half-life | Not Radioactive ☢️ |
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 1934 |
parity | + |
Адади массавӣ | 179 |
neutron number | 107 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | -0,14197777777778 ± 0,00031111111111111
natural abundance | 13,62 ± 0,11
radioactivity | stable isotope |
half-life | Not Radioactive ☢️ |
spin | 9/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 3,79 ± 0,03
таърихи кашф | 1934 |
parity | + |
Адади массавӣ | 180 |
neutron number | 108 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | 35,08 ± 0,33
radioactivity | stable isotope |
half-life | Not Radioactive ☢️ |
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 1934 |
parity | + |
Адади массавӣ | 181 |
neutron number | 109 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 42,39 ± 0,06 d
spin | 1/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 1935 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
Адади массавӣ | 182 |
neutron number | 110 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 8,9 ± 0,09 My
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 1961 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
Адади массавӣ | 183 |
neutron number | 111 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 1,018 ± 0,002 h
spin | 3/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
таърихи кашф | 1956 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
Адади массавӣ | 184 |
neutron number | 112 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 4,12 ± 0,05 h
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 1973 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
Адади массавӣ | 185 |
neutron number | 113 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 3,5 ± 0,6 m
spin | 9/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
таърихи кашф | 1993 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
Адади массавӣ | 186 |
neutron number | 114 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | 2,6 ± 1,2 m
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 1998 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
Адади массавӣ | 187 |
neutron number | 115 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | |
spin | 9/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
таърихи кашф | 1999 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) |
Адади массавӣ | 188 |
neutron number | 116 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | |
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 1999 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) |
Адади массавӣ | 189 |
neutron number | 117 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | |
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | |
spin | 3/2 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | |
таърихи кашф | 2009 |
parity | - |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) | 100% |
Адади массавӣ | 190 |
neutron number | 118 |
Relative Atomic Mass | |
g-factor | 0
natural abundance | |
radioactivity | ☢️ radioactive element |
half-life | |
spin | 0 |
nuclear quadrupole moment | 0
таърихи кашф | 2012 |
parity | + |
decay mode | intensity |
β− (β− decay) |
кошиф | Dirk Coster, Georg von Hevesy |
макони кашф | Denmark |
таърихи кашф | 1923 |
Решашиносӣ | From Hafnia, the Latin name of Copenhagen. |
pronunciation | HAF-ni-em (Англисӣ) |
Abundance | |
Abundance in Earth's crust | |
natural abundance (Уқёнус) | |
natural abundance (human body) | |
natural abundance (meteoroid) | 0,000017 %
natural abundance (Офтоб) | 0,0000001 %
Abundance in Universe | 0,00000007 %
1 | s | 1.3984 |
2 | p | 4.4012 |
2 | s | 18.8102 |
3 | d | 13.5702 |
3 | p | 21.0168 |
3 | s | 21.6885 |
4 | d | 36.476 |
4 | f | 39.7904 |
4 | p | 34.0704 |
4 | s | 33.0228 |
5 | d | 55.3805 |
5 | p | 52.415 |
5 | s | 50.167 |
6 | s | 62.8356 |